Ingrid Beer

Ingrid has been a volunteer mediator with the DRC for four years. She works on small claims court cases, community mediation, and custody/visitation mediation. “I love mediating for the DRC,” says Ingrid, “…I know what a benefit mediation is to our community.”

Ingrid says that her “payment” comes in the form of wisdom gained from learning about the process and the people, something that is unique to mediation. Her biggest reward with mediation is when two people shake hands after reaching mutual agreement. “I know that I’m a part of helping two people stay friends instead of being enemies.”

She credits one of her mentors, William Paskey, with helping her become more comfortable with the challenges of mediation. Ingrid says that another mentor, Michael Nunziata, taught her to “protect the process,” which she views as being aware of the importance of mediation and adhering to the mediator code of ethics. “I’m really grateful for this opportunity,” adds Ingrid.

Click here for more information on how to become a mediator.

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